Apple is rumored to be working on its next generation smartwatch called the Apple Watch X. Following the current Apple Watch Series 9, the company’s next wearable will feature a major redesign that will reportedly change the way users wear the smartwatch. Now, a new rumor has hinted at further design changes that could lead to the Apple Watch X being thinner than its predecessors.
The latest information comes from Digitimes (through 9to5Mac), which cites a supply chain rumor that suggests the Apply Watch X is set to use a resin-coated copper (RCC) motherboard design. The move to a thinner RCC logic board would likely leave more room for other components or a larger battery in the watch, the report said.
While multiple reports have placed the Apple Watch X in development at the Cupertino, California-based company, there is no word on a release schedule. Earlier reports suggested it would be released in 2023, but Apple ended up unveiling the Apple Watch Series 9 last year, alongside the company’s iPhone 15 lineup.
However, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman reported last August that the Apple Watch X is likely to be unveiled in 2024 or 2025. According to him, the Apple Watch X is intended to mark the 10th anniversary of Apple Watches, which were first introduced in 2015. It is said , that Apple’s next-generation smartwatch represents a major overhaul and could include a slimmer watch case and a new magnetic band that will change the way people wear their smartwatch.
Additionally, the Apple Watch X could also feature a microLED display, an update over the current OLED screens found in Apple Watch models. It may also get new sensors that monitor the user’s blood pressure.
Most recently, a report earlier this month claimed that the next Apple Watch lineup could feature upgraded displays that improve the wearable’s battery efficiency. The report says that the Apple Watch Series 10 (or Apple Watch X) could feature a low-temperature polycrystalline oxide (LTPO) OLED display, along with thin-film transistor (TFT) technology, providing better battery life.
Future Apple Watch models are also expected to get new features like drowning alerts. Apple smartwatches are known to be useful and life-saving in emergency situations, be it sending notifications about irregular heartbeats or alerts about falls and crashes. A recent patent application filed by the company details a system to send alerts to nearby users if an Apple Watch wearer begins to drown in a body of water.