Dell XPS 13 9345 and Dell Inspiron 14 7441 Plus may be launched soon as the company’s first laptops powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X series processors. Images of Dell’s next generation laptops have already leaked online. They are said to have a special key to launch the Microsoft Copilot chatbot along with supporting AI capabilities. The alleged Dell laptops are also expected to arrive with support for Microsoft’s upcoming Windows AI Explorer and will reportedly launch in the second half of 2024.
Images of two new laptops – Dell XPS 13 9345 and Inspiron 14 7441 Plus – were published from Windows Report on Friday. These laptops are similar to the company’s previous XPS and Inspiron laptop series and are equipped with a Snapdragon X Elite chip instead of AMD or Intel processors, according to the report.
Leaked images of the Dell XPS 13 9345 show the laptop from various angles, revealing an OLED display with thin bezels and a dedicated Copilot key. The laptop is also shown to have a touch strip with exit, delete and function keys, while the right and left sides of the keyboard extend to the edges of the chassis, just like the Dell XPS 13 Plus with the 12th Gen Intel Core Alder Lake CPU , which was unveiled at CES 2022.
Meanwhile, the Dell Inspiron 14 7441 Plus has been shown with a design that will be similar to the company’s recent Inspiron series of laptops, along with rounded edges. It will also be equipped with a dedicated Copilot key, according to the leaked images, while the keyboard will also include a fingerprint scanner that is embedded into the power button. The Inspiron 14 7441 Plus is also shown with a fairly large trackpad.
In terms of connectivity, the Dell XPS 13 9345 is said to be equipped with two USB Type-C ports. Meanwhile, the Dell Inspiron 14 7441 Plus is shown to have two USB Type-C ports, a USB Type-A port and a microSD card slot. Leaked images show the XPS 13 9345 with a bezel-less trackpad, while pictures of the Inspiron 14 7441 Plus suggest the laptop will have a Windows Hello-compatible webcam along with other unspecified sensors.
While Dell has yet to announce plans to release new XPS and Inspiron laptops powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite chips, the post indicates that the XPS 9345 and Inspiron 14 7441 Plus could launch in August or September. There’s also no word on pricing for either laptop, but we can expect those details, along with other product specs, to surface online in the coming months leading up to their debut.