Flipkart Big Saving Days sale will start on May 3 for all customers. The six-day sale will bring discounts on various smartphones from brands like Apple, Samsung, Nothing, Google, Realme and Vivo. As we get closer to the date, the e-commerce platform has revealed some of the smartphone deals that will be available during the sale event. Apart from general discounts, Flipkart provides cashback on purchases made through select bank cards. Additional free EMI options and exchange discounts will be available during the sale.

The e-commerce website has started revealing some of the major smartphone offerings. Google’s Pixel 8, Pixel 7a, and Nothing Phone 2 5G have all been confirmed to receive price cuts during the sale. The Pixel 8 will be priced at Rs. 49,999 in the upcoming Big Savings Days sale. The handset was launched at a price of Rs. 75,999 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB storage model and Rs. 82,999 for the 256GB storage variant.

Buyers can grab the Pixel 7a at a starting price of Rs. 31,999 in the upcoming sale, less than the starting price of Rs. 43,999 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB storage model. Also, the Nothing Phone 2 will have a starting price of Rs. 29,999, instead of the original starting price of Rs. 39,999. All advertised sale prices include offers.

Flipkart will give buyers a chance to get up to 10 percent instant discount on purchases made using SBI credit cards and EMI transactions in the upcoming sale. Interested buyers can also avail an additional discount on exchanging their old smartphones. There will be additional free EMI options and Flipkart Pay Later offers.

The Flipkart Big Saving Days sale will start on May 2 for Plus users and will continue till May 9. Flagship smartphones such as the iPhone 14, Samsung Galaxy S23 and iPhone 12 are already confirmed to be available at discounted prices during the sale.

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