As part of its push to add generative AI to search, Google introduced a new twist: video. Gemini will let you upload a video that demonstrates a problem you’re trying to solve, then browse user forums and other areas of the Internet to find a solution.

As an example, Google’s Rose Yao spoke on stage at I/O 2024 about a used turntable she bought and how she couldn’t get the needle to sit on the record. Yao uploaded a video showing the problem, after which Gemini quickly found an explainer describing how to balance the arm on that particular make and model.

Google's Gemini now searches for video to answer your questions


“Search is much more than just words in a text box. Often the questions you have are about the things you see around you, including objects in motion,” Google wrote. “Video search saves you the time and hassle of finding the right words to describe this problem, and you’ll get an AI overview with troubleshooting steps and resources.”

If the video alone doesn’t make it clear what you’re trying to understand, you can add text or draw arrows that point to the problem in question.

OpenAI just introduced ChatGPT 4o with the ability to interpret live video in real time, then describe a scene or even sing a song about it. However, Google is taking a different approach to video, focusing for now on its Search product. Video search is coming to US Search Labs users initially in English, but will expand to more regions over time, the company said.

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