Sony’s PlayStation VR2 headset was originally designed to be exclusive to the PS5. However, the company is currently experimenting with adding PC support. Unlike the original PSVR headset, which received unofficial PC support, Sony is actively working on allowing PSVR 2 owners to connect the headset to a PC gaming system.
Sony reveals PSVR2 support for PC gaming
IN PlayStation blog post, Sony Content Communications Manager Gillan McAllister shared the news saying, “We are pleased to announce that we are currently testing PS VR2 users’ access to additional PC games. This is to provide an even greater variety of games in addition to the PS VR2 titles already available on PS5.” We hope to make this support available in 2024, so stay tuned for more updates,” he added.
Sony dodged questions about PlayStation VR2 headset compatibility with PC. When asked about PSVR 2 support for PC a year ago, Sony’s response was that “PSVR2 was designed for use with the PS5 console.” In a previous test of the headset on a PC, Windows identified it as a second screen, but SteamVR didn’t recognize the headset at all.
In recent years, Sony has been gradually releasing its exclusive PC games with considerable success. This development is not entirely surprising. However, this is particularly good news for PS VR2 owners. Despite the company’s claim on the blog that the headset comes with forty games and has introduced more over the year, this may not be enough, especially when it comes to really great and big-budget titles.
Gizchina News of the week
Sony PSVR2 support for PC availability and upcoming games
A recent blog post revealed that Sony is aiming to introduce PC support for the PS VR2 this year, and hopefully that will progress smoothly. To make sure it’s not just about expanding accessibility, the article also highlights a few upcoming games that users can enjoy in virtual reality on the PlayStation 5.
You can now experience The Wizards – Dark Times: Brotherhood, an action-adventure game that turns you into a wizard using gesture spells. You have the option to play alone or in a co-op game with up to three players.
In addition, a recent update for the Arizona Sunshine 2 event introduces a dog as your partner, with new maps planned for the next three months. Little Cities: Bigger, a relaxing construction game that combines the original game with 18 months of additional content, is scheduled to launch on March 12.
Fast forward to June 27, Wanderer: The Fragments of Fate takes center stage. This logic puzzle shooter goes beyond World War II as time travel becomes a crucial element providing a distinct advantage in the conflict.
Looking further into 2024, we expect the release of two games. Zombie Army VR offers virtual reality zombie-themed action featuring a two-player co-op mode. Soul Covenant, on the other hand, is a story-driven action JRPG that focuses primarily on close combat.
The Future of Gaming: Sony’s PSVR 2 May Soon Be Compatible with PCs