Samsung recently announced the launch of new Galaxy A series models in India. The teaser confirmed that the phones will be unveiled on March 11, but did not confirm the models expected to be launched. Later in social media posts, the company revealed the names – Galaxy A55 5G and Galaxy A35 5G. These upcoming smartphones are said to succeed the Galaxy A54 5G and Galaxy A34 5G respectively. Ahead of their launch, the alleged phones were leaked via an online retail store along with their RAM, storage and color options along with their prices.
GSMArena report spotted the Galaxy A55 5G and Galaxy A35 5G on German retail site Otto. At the time of writing, the listings were no longer active on the website. However, the retailer has reportedly leaked the price of the upcoming phones as well as their RAM and storage configurations and colors.
The report notes that the 8GB + 128GB option of the Samsung Galaxy A55 5G is listed at €480 (approximately Rs. 39,700), while the 8GB + 256GB option is listed at €530 (approximately Rs. 43,800). The Samsung Galaxy A35 5G, on the other hand, is reported to come in two configurations – 6GB + 128GB and 8GB + 256GB, priced at EUR 380 (roughly Rs. 31,400) and EUR 450 (roughly Rs. 37,200). Both models are reported to come in Ice Blue, Lemon, Lilac and Navy Blue color options.
Both the Galaxy A55 5G and Galaxy A35 5G have 6.6-inch full-HD+ AMOLED displays with a 120Hz refresh rate and Gorilla Glass Victus protection, according to the report. The Galaxy A55 5G is reportedly listed with an Exynos 1480 SoC in-house, while the latter is said to be powered by an Exynos 1380 chipset. These phones also come with Android 14-based One UI 6.1 and Knox 3.1 security, according to the report.
In terms of optics, the Galaxy A55 5G’s triple rear camera unit is equipped with a 1/1.56-inch 50-megapixel main sensor, a 12-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide lens, and a 5-megapixel macro shooter. Meanwhile, the report claims that the Galaxy A35 5G sports a 1/1.96-inch 50-megapixel primary sensor, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide camera, and a 5-megapixel macro camera on the back. As for the front camera, the report adds that the Galaxy A55 5G has a 32-megapixel sensor, while the Galaxy A35 5G has a 13-megapixel sensor.
The report adds that the Galaxy A55 5G and Galaxy A35 5G models are backed by 5,000 mAh batteries and have IP67-rated aluminum bodies for dust and splash resistance. In the listed images, they appear to be equipped with a key bump on the right edge that holds the volume rocker and power button. The phones are also reported to support dual SIM and eSIM connectivity and come with a hybrid SIM tray. They also support Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3 and USB Type-C connectivity, the report claims.