In 2018, WhatsApp responded to the growing demand for business communication with the launch of its dedicated WhatsApp Business app. Now it looks like Telegram is following suit with the introduction of Telegram Business, a set of features tailored for businesses within the existing Telegram app.
Telegram is entering the business arena with a paid subscription model
Although both platforms offer similar features to their standard versions, Telegram Business stands out with a monthly subscription fee of €4.49. However, it is currently included as part of the Telegram Premium subscription.
Bridging the gap between business and customers
Telegram’s foray into the business space signifies its commitment to fostering user growth. Unlike WhatsApp Business, which runs as a standalone app, Telegram Business integrates seamlessly into the existing experience. This eliminates the need for enterprises to manage multiple platforms and simplifies communication workflows.
Companies can activate Telegram Business by subscribing for €4.49 per month, with a discounted annual option of €2.83. Alternatively, they can take advantage of the current rollout to their existing Telegram Premium subscriptions.
Feature Comparison: Similarities and Differences
When exploring Telegram Business, users will find several functionalities mirroring those offered by WhatsApp Business. This reflects a strategic alignment with the features introduced in WhatsApp Business compared to the standard app. Here’s a breakdown of the key features:
- Greeting message: Businesses can customize a greeting automatically sent to new contacts on their initial message.
- Absence message: Companies can create an automated response to inform customers of their absence, for example during closed hours.
- Quick answers: Predefined responses can be created for effective communication, saving time and ensuring consistency.
- Profile improvements: Business profiles can display business hours and location via an integrated map.
- Emoticon Status: Like Telegram Premium, businesses can customize their profiles with additional emoticons next to their name.
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Going beyond the basics: The Telegram advantage
In addition to replicating the functionalities of WhatsApp Business, Telegram offers unique features in the Stories component:
- Priority display: Business stories appear higher in the feed, providing greater visibility.
- Privacy Control: Users can view other stories anonymously, while businesses can see who has viewed their content.
- Improved quality and features: Stories can be uploaded in dual resolution, maintain a constant view history, allow for custom expiration times, and include longer descriptions. Also, different formats like links are supported and users can even save non-personal stories from other users.
Cost comparison and considerations
Although Telegram Business requires a subscription fee, it offers access to both its business features and the benefits of Telegram Premium (including the aforementioned enhancements to Stories). In contrast, the WhatsApp Business app itself is free, but additional features require a separate subscription within WhatsApp Business Premium, and the WhatsApp Business platform also includes paid options.
Therefore, the choice between the two platforms depends on individual needs and preferences. Businesses looking for a free entry point and prioritizing basic features may turn to WhatsApp Business. However, those who value advanced features, comprehensive Stories functionality, and a unified platform experience may find Telegram Business, despite its subscription model, a compelling alternative.
It is crucial to note that Telegram Business is still in its infancy and the feature set may evolve based on user feedback and market dynamics. As the business communication app landscape continues to evolve, both Telegram and WhatsApp are likely to refine their offerings to cater to the ever-evolving needs of companies and their customers.
Telegram launches its own “WhatsApp Business” as a new in-app subscription