Honor launched a mid-range Android tablet in China in December. Now the company is expanding the tablet’s availability and making its way to the UK and Ireland. The tablet is now available in these regions in a single 8GB/256GB configuration and a Space Gray color option for £300. Honor is too supply an optional keyboard case, which is also available for early order on the Honor UK website. Honor Pad 9 will be available via multiple e-commerce websites from Sunday, February 25.

Honor Pad 9 Specifications and Key Features

The Honor Pad 9 is a decent mid-range tablet with a focus on offering productivity and a nice multimedia experience. It is equipped with a large 12.1-inch IPS LCD screen with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels and a 120 Hz refresh rate. The display boasts 500 nits of brightness and supports stylus input. However, the pen is available as a separate purchase and will only be available from April.

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Under the hood, the Honor Pad 9 is equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset. The chipset carries four ARM Cortex-A78 cores clocked at up to 2.2 GHz and an efficient cluster of four ARM Cortex-A55 cores clocked at up to 1.8 GHz. There is also an Adreno 710 GPU for graphics tasks.

As usual with tablets, the Honor Pad 9 has a modest camera setup. It has an 8MP selfie shooter for selfies and video calls. As for the main camera, it has a 13 MP camera. The phone is powered by an 8300 mAh battery with 35W fast charging.

On the software front, the Honor Pad 9 runs MagicOS 7.2 based on Android 13. Honor promises only one Android OS update, which means the device will only get Android 14. This is a little disappointing for those who value long-term software support and plans to keep the device for more than one year.

The Honor Pad 9 is a decent proposition for those who need a large tablet for multimedia and productivity. As a plus, it has a good processor that handles applications and even games without much difficulty.

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Honor Pad 9 Launched in the UK and Ireland