Since last year, WhatsApp has been developing a feature that will allow users to send messages to unsaved contacts. This feature is not yet rolled out for all users, but WhatsApp is still working on such features. It looks like the app wants to further allow users to easily interact with unsaved contacts. Now started WhatsApp developing in-app dialing that will allow users to call people on WhatsApp without saving their numbers.
WhatsApp to facilitate the process of connecting with unsaved contacts
The in-app dialer was spotted on WhatsApp for Android beta version It would be as convenient as being able to send messages to unsaved contacts on WhatsApp. This can save you some time because you won’t have to temporarily add contacts to your address book even when you don’t plan to communicate with them often. The feature is perfect when you’re contacting a contact for a business or service just for information and don’t want to save the contact.
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Additionally, WhatsApp is also working on a feature called “Hidden Group”. Allows users to hide groups in communities. The feature was spotted in beta version of WhatsApp for Android. This will allow only invited members to find and join the group and allow community admins to find and remove it.
Unfortunately, it is not clear when exactly these features will be released to users worldwide in the stable version. WhatsApp is known for doing rounds of beta testing before rolling out new features. The feature that lets you send messages to unsaved contacts, for example, has been in development since last year and has yet to hit the stable branch. However, we may be months away from seeing these new features available to all users. Those enrolled in the beta program will be able to test and enjoy the new features before regular users.
WhatsApp To Add In-App Dialer That Lets You Call Unsaved Contacts