Samsung said on Wednesday that the Galaxy S24’s AI features will arrive on last year’s phones (including foldables) and tablets in late March. In January, Engadget’s Sam Rutherford reported that the AI ​​suite would soon be available on the Galaxy S23 series, Z Fold 5, Z Flip 5, and Tab S9. Today’s announcement makes that list of devices official, while adding the more specific arrival window of late March 2024.

This group of 2,023 devices will receive a software update next month with the AI ​​features of the S24 series. These include communication-based AI tricks like Chat Assist (sets the tone of messages and translates messages), Live Translate (real-time voice and text translations) and Interpreter (split-screen translation for private conversations).

They will also get the performance-based AI features Circle to Search (search for anything on your screen by drawing a ring around it), Note Assist (formatting, summaries and translations of notes), Browsing Assist (summaries of news articles) and Transcript Assist (transcribing and summarizing meeting records).

Finally, image-based AI features coming to these devices include Generative Edit (reframe photos, move objects or delete and replace), Edit Suggestion (recommended image settings), and Instant Slow-Mo (generate additional frames for transform standard video into slow motion).

A photo of the Galaxy S24 Ultra in someone's hand.  Its screen shows AI-suggested alternatives to a chat message.

Photo by Sam Rutherford / Engadget

The full list of devices receiving the March update includes the Galaxy S23, Galaxy S23+, Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23 FE, Galaxy Z Fold 5, Galaxy Z Flip 5, and Galaxy Tab S9. But Samsung says you can expect more devices to join them later. “This is just the beginning of Galaxy AI as we plan to bring the experience to over 100 million Galaxy users by 2024 and continue to innovate ways to harness the limitless capabilities of mobile AI,” wrote Samsung President TM Roh in a press release.

We were most impressed by the AI ​​features in our Galaxy S24 Ultra review. “While mastering AI might not be a super-exciting development now that everyone and their grandmothers are trying to implement it into everything, it makes the S24 Ultra a more powerful and well-rounded phone,” Engadget’s Sam Rutherford wrote in January.

While he noticed a few omissions in the AI ​​tools at launch, he found most of them to be a really useful addition to the phone’s high-end hardware. “Samsung finally has an answer to advanced features previously only available on the Pixel family,” he wrote. “Sure, S24’s tools aren’t as polished as Google’s offerings, but they get you 80 to 90 percent of the way there.”