The Honor Watch GS 4 was launched in China on Monday, March 18, alongside the Honor Band 9. These smart wearables come in several design and connectivity options. The Band 9 is now available for purchase in the country, while the Watch GS 4 will go on sale later this month. These models come with multiple dials pre-installed and support various sports modes. These smartwatches work with devices running Android 9.0 or iOS 11.0 and newer operating systems.
Honor Watch GS 4, Honor Band 9 price
The Galaxy Shuttle (translated from Chinese) option on the Honor Watch GS 4 is at a price at CNY 999 (approx. Rs. 11,500), while the Jasper Astrolabe and Starry Sky Exploration variants are listed at CNY 1,199 (approx. Rs. 13,800). All variants of the smartwatch are currently available for pre-order and will go on sale in China from March 24 via the Honor Mall website and other online retailers.
Meanwhile, the Honor Band 9 is offered in black, blue and purple shades and is priced at CNY 249 (approx. Rs. 2,900). The high-end NFC-enabled variant of the smartband is priced at CNY 299 (roughly Rs. 3,400). This model is currently available for purchase in China through the Honor Mall website and other select online retailers.
Honor Watch GS 4 specifications, features
The Honor Watch GS 4 features a 1.43-inch AMOLED display with a resolution of 466 x 466, a pixel density of 326 ppi and customizable watch faces. Like several competing smartwatches, this one also helps users track blood oxygen levels, heart rate, sleep patterns as well as stress levels. All data collected by the watch is synced with the Honor Health app. It also comes with more than 100 sports modes and a 5ATM rating. The smartwatch comes with 32 MB of RAM and 4 GB of built-in storage.
The smartwatch supports Bluetooth 5.0, NFC and dual-frequency GPS connectivity. It packs a 451mAh battery and is claimed to offer up to 14 days of battery life. With a 5-minute quick charge, the Watch GS 4 is said to last a day, while with GPS tracking turned on, it’s said to offer up to 30 hours of battery life. Supports magnetic Pogo pin charging. The watch also offers camera controls, access to weather updates and WeChat Pay. The smartwatch case weighs 44g and measures 45.9mm x 45.9mm x 10.5mm.
Honor Band 9 specifications, features
The Honor Band 9 has a 1.57-inch 60Hz AMOLED display with 256 x 402 resolution and 302ppi pixel density. It offers blood oxygen, heart rate and sleep tracking and supports more than 96 pre-installed sports modes. This smart band also comes with a 5ATM rating and is compatible with the Honor Health app. It is equipped with 4MB RAM and 48MB ROM.
According to Honor, the Band 9 can offer up to 14 days of use. It also supports magnetic Pogo pin charging and Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity. The case weighs 16.3g and measures 43mm x 27.88mm x 9.49mm.