The Nothing Phone 2a was launched in India on March 5. The smartphone comes with an octa-core 4nm MediaTek Dimensity 7200 Pro chipset, two 50-megapixel rear cameras and a 5000mAh battery with 45W fast charging support. It comes with Android 14 Nothing OS 2.5 based. The phone recently received the Nothing OS 2.5.5 update with new camera features, general improvements, bug fixes and Google’s April security patch. Nothing OS 2.5.5a update is now rolling out to Phone 2a users worldwide with ChatGPT integration and more new features.
In a post on X, Nothing confirmed that the Nothing OS 2.5.5a update is rolling out to Phone 2a users. One of the key items in this changelog is ChatGPT integration. To access all the features, they need to ensure that the latest version of the ChatGPT app is downloaded on their Phone 2a phones from the Play Store.
After installing the Nothing OS 2.5.5a update, Phone 2a users will be able to access ChatGPT through their Nothing Ear or Nothing Ear A true wireless headphones. The Nothing X app has an option to customize a gesture to start a direct voice conversation with ChatGPT. The company noted that this feature will soon be available for other Nothing audio products.
Easy access to ChatGPT will allow Nothing Phone 2a users to use the AI chatbot almost like a virtual assistant. The Nothing OS 2.5.5a update for Phone 2a also gets new ChatGPT widgets on the home screen. The upgrade also adds a button in the screenshot and clipboard popup that allows users to directly paste content from a file into a new ChatGPT conversation.
The Nothing OS 2.5.5a update for Phone 2a also brings better color consistency in the main wide-angle camera, improved portrait brightness in HDR scenes, and optimized performance when opening the camera app. An earlier issue with unusual noise in portrait mode images is also said to be resolved with this update.
According to the changelog, the Nothing OS 2.5.5a update for the Phone 2a has also resolved issues related to call stability and clarity, as well as issues with unlocking fluidity and ease of swiping. It also features an AI-powered algorithm for automatic brightness adjustments. The update improved the visual display of battery levels in the battery widget and optimized the power saving mode.
Notably, the Nothing Phone 2a was recently launched in India in a third blue color. The phone is available in 8GB + 128GB, 8GB + 256GB and 12GB + 256GB configurations priced at Rs. 23,999, Rs. 25,999 and Rs. 27,999, respectively.