Samsung will launch its Galaxy F15 5G in India next month. A dedicated Flipkart microsite has teased the design and some of the specifications of the upcoming Galaxy F-series smartphone ahead of its debut. The Galaxy F15 5G is confirmed to run on the MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ SoC and will be available in three different color options. It is said to have a 6000mAh battery. The Galaxy F15 5G is confirmed to receive four generations of Android upgrades and five years of security updates. The Galaxy F15 5G appears to be coming as an affordable version of the Galaxy A15 5G.

The Samsung Galaxy F15 5G is scheduled to go official in India on March 4 at 12:00 PM IST. The handset will go on sale through the company’s official website and Flipkart. The e-commerce website created a special landing page on its website to tease the arrival of the new Galaxy F series smartphone. It is confirmed to be available in Ash Black, Groovy Violet and Jazzy Green colors.

The Flipkart listing shows a super AMOLED display for the Galaxy F15 5G. It will be powered by an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 6100+ chipset under the hood. It is confirmed to carry a 6000mAh battery which is claimed to provide up to two days of battery life on a single charge. Samsung has also promised to provide four generations of Android upgrades and five years of security updates for the new phone.

Meanwhile, the official posters suggest that the Galaxy F15 5G will have a triple rear camera and a waterdrop-style notch on the screen to accommodate the single selfie shooter. However, the price details of the smartphone in the country are not known at this time but it is expected to cost under Rs. 15,000.

Samsung’s Galaxy F15 5G is expected to arrive as a toned down variant of the Galaxy A15 5G. The latter was launched in December last year in India with a starting price of Rs. 19,499 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant.

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