The increasingly discriminatory X (Twitter) now considers the term “cisgender” a slur. Owner Elon Musk published last June, to the delight of his bigoted brigade of sycophants, that “‘cis’ or ‘cisgender’ are considered slurs on this platform.” On Tuesday, X tackled the regressive provocateur stance and it is reported began posting an official warning that LGBTQ-inclusive terms could lead to a platform ban. Not that you’ll miss much.

TechCrunch reported on Tuesday that attempting to publish a post using the terms “cisgender” or “cis” on X’s mobile app would display a full-screen warning that read: “This post contains language that may be considered offensive by X and may be used in a harmful manner in violation of our policies.” It then gives you the choice of continuing to publish the post or going with the hindsight of the worst of us and deleting it.

Of course, neither form of the term cisgender is an insult.

As the historically marginalized transgender community has finally begun to find at least some of the widespread and long overdue social acceptance in the 21st century, the term has become more commonly used in the mainstream lexicon to describe people whose gender identity matches their sex at birth . Organizations including the American Psychological Association, World Health Organization, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association recognize the term.

But some people find it hard to accept and respect that some people are different from others. Those who fantasize (against all evidence and scientific consensus) that the heteronormative ideals they grew up with are absolute gospel sometimes take great offense when asked to adjust their vocabulary to show respect for a community that has spent centuries forced to live in the shadows or risk safety due to the widespread pathologizing of their identity.

Musk seems to think of it as the good old days.

This isn’t the billionaire’s first ride on the Transphobe train. After his back-tweet last June (on the first day of Pride Month, no less), edgelord’s platform was running a timeline takeover ad from a right-wing nonprofit featuring a transphobic propaganda film. In case you’re wondering if the band might have something worthwhile to say, TechCrunch notes that the same organization also doubts climate change and downplays the dehumanizing cruelties of slavery.

X also reversed course on a policy implemented long before the Musk takeover that prohibited naming dead or misgendering transgender people.