Halloween means ghosts, puppies, skeletons, meowing and hungry bats. But for your animals at home, it’s just like any other day – until you stuff them into a funny costume.

While there’s a lot to love about the twins of Siamese cats and Wiener dogs slathered in (fake) ketchup, mustard, and sauerkraut, your pet will let you know if it’s feeling festive or not. Some furry friends may enjoy the dress-up experience; others may find it uncomfortable or even frightening. It all comes down to their breed, personality and tolerance level, he says Amy Pikeveterinarian at the Animal Behavior Wellness Center of Virginia.

Take dogs for example. Breeds that are used to being groomed and handled frequently, such as poodles and shih tzus, may not mind dressing up in fashion with a sweater or a pair of shoes for a night out. Socialization is also key. If your puppy has been exposed to enough objects and settings before four months of age, he should be more receptive to a costume and a few hours of treats. “Like people, dogs have a spectrum of tolerance,” Pike says. She shares that her old dog would jump around in a taco outfit on Halloween, but the current one won’t even put up with little angel wings.

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Cats, on the other hand, can be more averse to tradition. “They usually don’t wear collars or harnesses and it can be more difficult for them [put a costume on],” Pike explains. “But again, there’s a spectrum.” Kittens go through a much faster socialization stage that ends at about 9 weeks of age. If the owner gets them used to the accessories early on, they will probably handle the flow better. (Pike points to MoShowthe hairy rapper, as an example.)

With both types of animals, Pike says it’s important to be alert and listen for distress. Dogs especially use body language and facial expressions to tell you what they want. If the dog is non-verbal, has its ears pinned back, its tail tucked down, or its forehead wrinkled, these are signs that they want to get away. Cats who are not so inclined to please people will simply refuse to put your strings on.

The type of suit also matters. Think about what your pet can feel good in, not just what’s trendy, witty or funny. The fabric should provide just the right amount of coverage so that the animal is not too warm or too cool throughout the evening. Styles should not be restrictive: Your cat or dog should have full range of motion for all four limbs. Finally, if you do venture outside, make sure you can still attach a leash to their body or neck.

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And remember, if you’re freaked out by the sights and sounds around your neighborhood or at a party, a dog or cat probably will be, too. Noisy decorations with a motion sensor can be triggered, so try to avoid them on your route. If your pet doesn’t interact well with children, don’t take them around during peak treat hours. Make sure you have some animal-grade treats on hand: Positive reinforcement can help pets adjust to new places, stimuli, and experiences. Your puppy will have more fun in a pack if you reward him with pieces of roast chicken.

Ultimately, Pike says to ask yourself, “who am I doing this for?” It’s okay to celebrate Halloween with your fur balls, or even use them for fun if it’s harmless. Just know that pets aren’t people, so they may not find the holiday as adorable as you do.
