The design of the Samsung Galaxy M35 has been leaked by a tipster ahead of the smartphone’s launch in India. The phone is said to arrive in three color variants, and the latest leak suggests that it will look a lot like another Galaxy A series smartphone released by the company earlier this year. The upcoming Galaxy M35 smartphone is shown to feature a vertically aligned triple rear camera. It is also expected to run Android 14 out of the box just like other phones released by the company recently.
Tipster Evan Blass (X: @evleaks) has revealed the design and color options of the Samsung Galaxy M35 through three consecutive posts on X (formerly Twitter), which show the phone in grey, light blue and dark blue color options. While these aren’t high-resolution GIFs, they do show the phone from various angles, including the display, back panel, and buttons.
The Samsung Galaxy M35 may feature a triple rear camera setup that sits on the top left corner (when looking at the rear panel) along with an LED flash that is part of what looks like a plastic back. Meanwhile, the Galaxy M35 is shown with a punch-hole selfie camera cutout — its predecessor, the Galaxy M34 5G, had a waterdrop-style display notch. The handset has thick bezels on all four edges, according to the leaked images.
Meanwhile, leaked images of the upcoming Samsung Galaxy M35 suggest that it will bear a striking resemblance to the company’s Galaxy A35 phone, which was launched in India in March. The differences between these phones appear to be the absence of the ‘key island’ for the volume and power buttons on the upcoming phone, as well as the location of the SIM card tray – it’s on the left back of the Galaxy M35, while the Galaxy A35 has it on top .
While Samsung is yet to reveal the specifications of the Galaxy M35, the tipster says the phone will be equipped with a 6,000mAh battery. It is higher than the Samsung Galaxy A35 which packs a 5000mAh battery. A recent report suggests that the upcoming M-series phone will sport a 6.6-inch display and be powered by an Exynos 1380 chipset paired with 6GB of RAM. We can expect to learn more about the Galaxy M35 in the coming days or weeks before it is released by the company.