Telegram unveiled its latest offering, Telegram Business, on March 31, which will allow users to convert their accounts into business accounts. Those who run a small online business or own a brick-and-mortar store will be able to attract new customers, support existing customers with their orders, and help resolve queries, all within the messaging app. With this offering, the platform will offer a set of new features such as displaying working hours and location, quick replies, automated messages, personalized homepage, chatbot support and more.

The messaging app introduced the new features in a blog post, who stated, “Telegram has long enabled developers to create powerful bots and mini-apps that have been widely used by businesses. Starting today, any user can easily use business functions – without any coding skills.”

New features in Telegram Business

Users who choose a business account will be able to display relevant information about their business on the chat information page. They will show the store’s opening hours and physical location on a map. This way, businesses can let users know when and how to reach them physically.

Telegram Business will also allow businesses to create a custom home page for empty chats. Here, they can add text and a sticker of their choice to let incoming customers know about them before they even start a conversation. The company said this space can be used to display information about products and services or to welcome customers with branded artwork.

Additionally, account holders will also be able to use automated messages in a variety of ways. They will see an option to set a welcome message that will be sent to users who are texting for the first time. This can be set with a period after which a new message will repeat the greeting again. Quick replies will also be available for use for business accounts. These are shortcuts for sending predefined messages that a user can send to receive relevant information. They support links, stickers, media and files. Users will also be able to set an absence message for the hours when the business is closed. All automated messages can be set to exclude specific people or entire chat categories in case an account holder also intends to use it as a private chat.

Some other features are also included. Telegram Business account users can create links that can direct users to the Telegram app. These links can be placed both within Telegram and outside of it, on the user’s website. Clicking on them will lead to a direct inquiry being posted in the chat, for which automatic messages can be set. Finally, Telegram also allows business account holders access to its bots and AI assistants, which can be used to manage chats, answer inquiries, and more.

Telegram Business is available to all Premium users for free. The option to convert an account into a business account can be found at Settings > Telegram Business.

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