Apple Vision Pro went on sale in February 2024. The mixed reality headset is still only available in the US, but the company plans to make it available in international markets. However, amid the growth of the Cupertino-based tech giant’s latest product, its successor appears to be nowhere in sight. A new report claims that the Apple Vision Pro 2 isn’t in the company’s plans until late 2026. Notably, CEO Tim Cook recently confirmed that the mixed reality headset will be available in China in 2024.
Bloomberg’s Mark German reported in its Power On newsletter that Apple’s Vision Pro roadmap for the next two years does not include bringing any other headsets to market. This confirms claims made by Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo in February on Medium postwhere the analyst said the Vision Pro 2 won’t enter mass production until 2027. If reports are to be believed, the tech giant could take as long as three years before considering another augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) focused product.
That’s not to say Apple doesn’t have a Vision Pro roadmap. According to Gurman, the company has three clear priorities right now. The first is market expansion. Although it has been released, the mixed reality headset is only available in the US at the moment. China seems to be first on the list as Cook has already confirmed its release there. Other regions could see the headset roll out in 2025. However, the tech giant appears to be keeping a conservative view on the units it will be able to sell, as it has reportedly cut orders for the Apple Vision Pro from a “market consensus” of 700,000 up to 800,000 units up to 400,000 to 450,000 units.
Another program for the company is to provide an update to the existing operating system for the mixed reality headset. According to the report, Apple will release an update to visionOS 2.0 later this year. However, the update is not expected to make any revolutionary changes to the way the device works. It will still be interesting to see new features that the company adds. Notably, the Vision Pro is rumored to get new AI features with its OS update.
The ultimate goal is to develop a cheaper version of the headset, Gurman said. The company is said to be focusing on launching a cheaper version of the Vision Pro before planning a successor. However, there is a challenge. According to the report, Apple is struggling to reduce the price and has no concrete plan to achieve this goal.