Vivo is all set to launch the new X100 models in May. We are expecting the launch of three new models including Vivo X100s, X100s Pro and X100 Ultra. The company reveals some highlights of the Vivo X100s, creating a buzz in the smartphone market. Earlier we looked at the GeekBench and AnTuTu results of the Vivo X100s model. Now we have some information regarding the camera of the device.
Vivo Product Manager, Han Boxiao, revealed that the Vivo X100s will bring a brand new feature. It’s called the Four Seasons Portrait feature, where the camera uses artificial intelligence to make the background of your photos according to the selected seasons.
How does the Four Seasons Portrait feature work on Vivo X100s?
The Vivo representative demonstrated the feature; below is the original photo and then the photos generated using the Four Seasons Portrait feature.
Gizchina News of the week
This function intelligently preserves the main elements of the photo, such as the subject. It generates scene images from four seasons and includes them in the background. The user can choose between spring, summer, autumn and winter to create an image background.
For example, images representing spring and summer are shown below:
For fall and winter, the image looks like this:
This function is optimized to make the light and shadow of the portrait contrast with the selected season. It can be seen that at first glance the pictures look very realistic.
Vivo X100s Highlights
The Vivo X100s is expected to feature a flat display that deviates from the curved design. Apart from that, the phone also features Dimensity 9300+ which brings better performance and even AI improvements. The smartphone is expected to be a polished version of the original X100. The camera will still carry the ZEISS branding and it looks like the brand will bring more AI features to the camera as well. We expect the phones to hit the market sometime in May.