OpenAI launched on Monday opening ChatGPT for users without an account. It describes the move as part of its mission to “make tools like ChatGPT widely available so people can experience the benefits of AI.” It also gives the company more training data (for those who don’t opt ​​out) and perhaps prompts more users to create accounts and subscribe to superior access to GPT-4 instead of the older GPT-3.5 model that the freebies get users.

I tested Instant Access, which — as advertised — allowed me to start a new GPT-3.5 thread without any login information. The chatbot standard “How can I help you today?” screen appears with optional sign up or login buttons. Although I saw it today, OpenAI says it’s gradually rolling out access, so check back later if you don’t see the option yet.

OpenAI says it has added additional safeguards for users without an account, including blocking prompts and generating images in more categories than logged-in users. When asked for more information on what new categories it blocks, an OpenAI spokesperson told me that while developing the feature, it considered how exiting users of GPT-3.5 could potentially introduce new threats.

The spokesperson added that the teams responsible for detecting and stopping abuse of its AI models were involved in the creation of the new feature and will adjust accordingly if unexpected threats emerge. Of course it still blocks everything it does for logged in users as described in it Moderation API.

You can opt out of data training for your prompts when you are not logged in. To do this, click the small question mark to the right of the text field, then select Settings and turn off the toggle for “Enhance model for everyone”.

OpenAI says more than 100 million people in 185 countries use ChatGPT every week. These are staggering numbers for 18 months of service from a company that many people hadn’t even heard of two years ago. Today’s move gives those hesitant to create an account an incentive to take the world-changing chatbot for a spin, boosting those numbers even further.