Apple introduced two new MacBook Air models on Monday, March 4. The new 13-inch and 15-inch models are now equipped with Apple’s 3nm M3 chipset. Apart from the processor, there are some minor improvements in the tech giant’s updated MacBook Air lineup for 2024. The company also claims up to 18 hours of battery life with the updated laptops. It should be noted that last year the iPhone maker refreshed the MacBook Pro lineup by bringing the M3 SoC to its flagship laptops.

Apple MacBook Air (2024) Price in India, Availability

The new 13-inch Apple MacBook Air with M3 chipset is priced at Rs. 1,14,900 for the vanilla variant with 8GB RAM and 256GB storage. The 8GB RAM and 512GB storage variant will cost you Rs. 1,34,900 and 16GB RAM with 512GB internal storage can be bought for Rs. 1,54,900.

On the 15-inch MacBook Air, the 8GB RAM with 256GB storage option is priced at Rs. 1,34,900. The 8GB RAM with 512GB storage variant can be bought for Rs. 1,54,900, and the 16GB RAM with 512GB storage variant is available for Rs. 1,74,900. Both models are available midnight, starlight, silver and space gray color options.

The new M3-powered MacBook Air models are available for pre-order in 28 countries, including India. They will go on sale on March 8 through Apple Stores and Apple Authorized Resellers.

Apple MacBook Air (2024) specifications, features

Both new MacBook Air models are powered by the M3 SoC, which also powers the MacBook Pro (2023) models. Additionally, the laptops also come with a new 16-core Neural Engine, which Apple claims will boost machine learning on the device, making it “the world’s best consumer laptop for AI.” It also features an AV1 decoding engine for higher quality video streaming. Apple claims the new chipset makes M3 models 60 percent faster than M1 laptops and 13 times faster than the fastest Intel-based MacBook Air.

New features of the MacBook Air 2024 models include support for up to two external displays when the lid is closed, WiFi 6E support, voice isolation and wide-spectrum microphone modes, and up to 18 hours of battery life, the company claims.

The display on both MacBook Air models is still the same Liquid Retina panel with a resolution of (2560 x 1664 pixels). It also has a peak brightness of 500 nits. The laptops are paired with up to 16 GB of RAM and can be configured up to 24 GB of RAM. It also gets up to 512GB of onboard SSD storage, which can be configured up to 2TB. The new MacBook Air models also get a MagSafe 3 charging port, a 3.5mm headphone jack and two Thunderbolt/USB 4 ports for multiple use cases.

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